etf-convert [OPTIONS] <input> <output>
- --pvars=STRING
Give a list of independent variables that is used while generating multiple process DVE models.
- --byte
Write the DVE output using the type byte rather than the type int.
- --ce
When writing ETF, this option eliminates constant state vector elements. Note that the values of the eliminated variables are lost because ETF has no way of defining constants.
General Options
- -v
Increase the level of verbosity
- -q
Be quiet; do not print anything to the terminal.
- --debug=<file.c>
Enable debugging output for file.c (option allowed multiple times).
- --version
Print version string of this tool.
- -h, --help
Print help text
- --usage
Print short usage summary.
- 0
Successful termination.
- 255
Some error occurred.